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XML数据库BaseX 7.8.1版

日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有对象
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有钱
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有房
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有车
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有车
日期:2014-02-18 16:41:112014年新春福章
日期:2014-02-18 16:41:11版主9段
日期:2012-11-25 02:21:03ITPUB年度最佳版主
日期:2014-02-19 10:05:27现任管理团队成员
日期:2011-05-07 01:45:08
发表于 2014-3-2 11:15 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BaseX 是一个XML数据库,用来存储紧缩的XML数据,提供了高效的 XPath 和 XQuery 的实现,还包括一个前端操作界面。

BaseX 7.8.1 发布,此版本更新内容如下:

1)GUI 编辑器允许文件通过开放的文件类型和选择的文本进行过滤
2XML 解析器提供对 TAR 和 TGZ 的支持
3如果 XQuery 函数没有找到,那么就会建议使用相似的一个函数
5bug 修复:nested transform expressions, the doc-available() function impossible casts before removing variables, the REPO INSTALL command (when install packages are installed in the same directory), and the CSV/JSON serialization of underscores

日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有对象
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有钱
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有房
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有车
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有车
日期:2014-02-18 16:41:112014年新春福章
日期:2014-02-18 16:41:11版主9段
日期:2012-11-25 02:21:03ITPUB年度最佳版主
日期:2014-02-19 10:05:27现任管理团队成员
日期:2011-05-07 01:45:08
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-2 11:16 | 只看该作者

BaseX is a light-weight, high-performance and scalable XML Database engine and XPath/XQuery 3.0 Processor, which includes full support for the W3C Update and Full Text extensions. An interactive and user-friendly GUI frontend gives you great insight into your XML documents.

To maximize your productivity and workflows, we offer professional support, highly customized software solutions and individual training on XML, XQuery and BaseX. Our product itself is completely Open Source (BSD-licensed) and platform independent; join our mailing lists to get regular updates!

Most importantly: BaseX runs out of the box and is easy to use…

使用道具 举报

日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有对象
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有钱
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有房
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有车
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有车
日期:2014-02-18 16:41:112014年新春福章
日期:2014-02-18 16:41:11版主9段
日期:2012-11-25 02:21:03ITPUB年度最佳版主
日期:2014-02-19 10:05:27现任管理团队成员
日期:2011-05-07 01:45:08
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-2 11:18 | 只看该作者

High-performance database storage with text, attribute, full-text and path indexes.

Efficient support of the W3C XPath/XQuery Recommendations, Full Text and Update Extensions.

One of the highest available compliance rates for all supported specifications.

Client/Server architecture, supporting ACID safe transactions, user management, logging.

Highly interactive visualizations, supporting very large XML documents.

The only realtime XQuery editor available, with syntax highlighting and error feedback.

A wide range of interfaces: REST/RESTXQ, WebDAV, XQJ, XMLB; clients in many different languages

使用道具 举报

日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有对象
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有钱
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有房
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有车
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有车
日期:2014-02-18 16:41:112014年新春福章
日期:2014-02-18 16:41:11版主9段
日期:2012-11-25 02:21:03ITPUB年度最佳版主
日期:2014-02-19 10:05:27现任管理团队成员
日期:2011-05-07 01:45:08
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-2 11:19 | 只看该作者
Configuration Files

BaseX maintains some configuration files, which are stored in the project’s Home Directory:
.basex contains all options that are relevant for running the server or standalone versions of BaseX.
.basexgui defines all options relevant to the BaseX GUI.
.basexperm contains user name, passwords, and permissions (see last paragraph).
.basexevents contains all existing events (see Events).
.basexhistory contains commands that have been typed in most recently.
.basexhome can be created by a user to mark a folder as home directory
Note that, depending on your OS and configuration, files and folders with a '.' prefix may be hidden.

Home Directory

As BaseX is distributed in different flavors, and may be started from different locations, it dynamically determines its home directory:
First, the system property org.basex.path is checked. If it contains a value, it is chosen as directory path.
If not, the current user directory (defined by the system property user.dir) is chosen if the .basex or .basexhome file is found in this directory.
Otherwise, the files are searched in the application directory (the folder in which the BaseX code is located).
In all other cases, the user's home directory (defined in user.home) is chosen.

使用道具 举报

日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有对象
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有钱
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有房
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有车
日期:2014-02-19 11:55:14马上有车
日期:2014-02-18 16:41:112014年新春福章
日期:2014-02-18 16:41:11版主9段
日期:2012-11-25 02:21:03ITPUB年度最佳版主
日期:2014-02-19 10:05:27现任管理团队成员
日期:2011-05-07 01:45:08
 楼主| 发表于 2014-3-2 11:20 | 只看该作者
Database Directory

A database in BaseX consists of several files, which are located in a directory named by the name of the database. If the user’s home directory has been chosen as base directory, the database directories will be planed in a BaseXData directory. Otherwise, the directory will be named datda.
The database path can be changed as follows:
GUI: Choose Options → Preferences and choose a new database path.
General: edit the DBPATH in the .basex configuration file
Note: Existing databases will not be automatically moved to the new destination.

User and Log Files

Global users, along with their passwords and permissions, are stored in the .basexperm file in the home directory. Local users and permissions are stored inside the database files. Log files are stored in text format in a sub-directory .logs of the database folder (see Logging for more information).

使用道具 举报


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