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MySQL 将对产品线调整,免费版本发布频率变少 缺少错误修订

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发表于 2006-10-20 15:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
发信人(From): jay@mysql.com
主题(Subject): A note from the MySQL Community Relations team
发送时间: 2006-10-19 22:49:23
抄送: (无)  
优先级: 普通  


I'm writing to let you know about some changes to the MySQL product line and release schedule that will be made public in the coming months, and to request your feedback on these changes.  

In an effort to provide greater differentiation of our free (as in beer) and paid products, we will be initiating the following changes:

1)  There will be now be two versions of MySQL -- the MySQL Community Server and the MySQL Enterprise Server

2)  The binary release schedule for the MySQL Community Server will be less frequent than before, and will begin to fall in line with our open source contemporaries, many of which have started doing binary releases on a semi-annual schedule.  Note that source code for the Community Server will continue to be available in tarball format, as well as through our online Bitkeeper repositories.

3)  The download area of the MySQL Community Server will have binaries available for most common architectures.  Fixes for bugs will not be applied to the Community edition between binary releases, with the exception of security-related fixes.  The MySQL Enterprise Server will have the most up-to-date bug fixes applied to the code base and will be released at much more regular interval.  

In keeping with our staunch commitment to the open source philosophy and community, the source code (but not binaries) for both the Community and Enterprise Server will be available at all times to any user.

In addition to the changes above, we'll be starting a Community Pilot program aimed at supplying more frequent binaries to those Community members who provide us valuable quality assurance and testing through bug report submissions.

So,  what do you think of our current plan?  Do you think the changes provide a clear-enough distinction between our free and paid products?  Do you have concerns about any part of the plan, and if so, how would you modify the plan?  I encourage you to email me suggestions and concerns; your input is sincerely welcomed.

For a more detailed discussion on the differences between MySQL Enterprise and Community editions, see Kaj Arn?s blog post here:



Jay Pipes
Community Relations Manager, North America, MySQL Inc.
jay@mysql.com +1 614 406 1267
发表于 2006-10-22 16:20 | 只看该作者

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